Writing samples :: Blogs
A selection of blogs I've written for various audiences.
Catching Bugs in BugBot :: A Message.io Homegrown Bot
Message.io partnered with Cisco Spark to build an enterprise bot on their platform, and I shared details on the development and use cases. The tool we developed was free, with the intention of developers showing interest in Spark, so I wanted to promote that resource as well as provide a CTA for the beta we were running at the time.
How An Immunoassay Aided in the Development of the Gardasil(R) Vaccine
I wrote this blog as part of a larger campaign for The Immunoassay Handbook. In it, I described how Luminex xMAP Technology was instrumental in developing an understanding of HPV serology, which led to the subsequent development of the Gardasil vaccine.
4 Actionable Steps to Make SEO Oh So Easy
Blackbaud needed a blog post outlining easy, actionable steps for non-profits to begin jumping into working with digital marketing and increasing their reach with SEO. The goal was to make it high level and easy to understand for non-profits who hadn't yet devoted a lot of time to growing their audiences.
Other blogs:
Emojify, Your Personal Emoji Translator: Bots of Microsoft Teams
Development of a Multiplex Assay for the Simultaneous Detection of Porcine Inflammation Markers
Multiplexed Immunoassay Development for Antibodies Against Shigella
How Luminex xMAP® Technology is Changing HIV Drug Resistance Research
Multiplex Technologies More Effective than ELISA for Antibody Detection